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Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) - Treatment and Prevention

OrthoHeal 14 June 2018 What is Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) ? When blood moves too slowly through your veins, it can cause a clump of blood cells known as 'blood clot'. When a blood clot forms in a vein deep inside your body, it is called as “ deep vein thrombosis ” (DVT). This is most common disorders that happen in lower leg, thigh or pelvis. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) - cause and symptom A thrombus either arises spontaneously or is caused by clinical conditions including surgery, trauma, or prolonged bed rest. Diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis relies on imaging techniques such as ultrasonography or venography. Only about 25% of symptomatic patients have a thrombus. Relevant data for the frequency of deep vein thrombosis derive from large community-based studies because they mainly reflect symptomatic rather than asymptomatic disease. In a systematic review, the incidence of first deep vein thrombosis in the general population was 0·5 per 1000 person-years. Th